GBL LEASE SARL unipersonnelle with capital of 1 € whose head office is located in the Quartier du Château 07200 Saint Michel de Boulogne. SIRET 803 805 522 00015. RCS Aubenas B 803 805 522. SIREN 803 805 522. APE code: 6820B / Rental of land and other real estate. Phone: 06 07 27 93 29. E-mail address: Publishing Director: GBL Lease. Responsible for the site: Frédéric Kiszon.
The site is hosted by OVH, located at 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France. RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045.
Anyone who accesses (hereinafter the "Site") undertakes to respect these general conditions of use, which for certain services may be supplemented by special conditions. p>
GBL LEASE reserves the right to modify and update at any time the access to the Site as well as the present conditions of use. These changes and updates are the responsibility of the user who must consequently refer regularly to this section to check the General Conditions in force.
The data are intended exclusively for GBL LEASE, its subsidiaries or members of its sales network for the purposes of investigations, analyzes, institutional communications, operations relating to customer management or, agree, commercial proposals. This information is confidential and retained by GBL LEASE, its subsidiaries and members of its sales network. In accordance with the law "Informatique et Libertés" of 06/01/78, you have a right of access, rectification and deletion of this data as well as a right to oppose you to make this data please contact us by post at the following address: 18 rue Saint Vincent de Paul - 75010 Paris or by e-mail at
Your requests must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing the holder's signature. The request must specify the address to which the reply should be sent.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Law of 21 June 2004 on trust in the digital economy, the hosting company will keep your login data, which is covered by professional secrecy and processed in compliance with legal personal data
If you wish to set up a hyperlink to our Site, you must contact the Site Manager. GBL LEASE can not be held liable for the content of sites that are hyperlinked from this Site.
GBL LEASE, the hosting company and, more generally, any company contributing to the design, realization and putting on line of this Site, endeavor to ensure the accuracy and regular updating of information on this Site. GBL LEASE and the aforementioned service providers reserve the right to correct and modify the content of the Site at any time without their liability being incurred as a result, GBL LEASE being able at all times to make improvements and / or changes to the product (s) described on this Site.
These General Conditions of Use and the content of this site are subject to French law and the French courts alone have jurisdiction to rule on any complaint relating to the latter. They are subject to French internal law.